Anna Wynveen

Senior Associate


Anna has extensive experience guiding projects and clients through the municipal planning approvals process. Since joining Bousfields, Anna has gained a reputation for her strong work ethic and commitment to excellence. She fosters collaboration and builds relationships with both municipal staff and project teams to steer complex projects towards a common goal.

Anna is involved in a wide range of planning projects in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area, including the preparation of planning rationale reports and other supporting materials for development applications. She also has deputed before the Committee of Adjustment, has presented at community meetings and statutory public meetings, and has prepared evidence for hearings at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Anna joined Bousfields in 2015 and became an Associate with the firm in 2020. Anna holds a Master of Science degree in Planning from the University of Toronto. She previously earned an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree with a specialization in history from the University of Western Ontario. Anna is a full member of the Canadian Institute of Planners and is a Registered Professional Planner in the Province of Ontario.