Melissa joined Bousfields in May 2022 as a Co-op Student while completing her Bachelor of Environmental Studies degree in Planning at the University of Waterloo, specializing in Decision Support & Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Urban Design. She joined Bousfields as a full-time Planner in July 2023 after graduating with honours. Prior to joining Bousfields, Melissa worked with provincial and regional governments to revise planning policy, assess development applications, and communicate with project stakeholders to articulate policy objectives. Melissa’s experience reviewing applications and updating policy within the public sector makes her suited to navigate the approvals process.
Melissa is now involved in a wide range of projects throughout Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. Her primary responsibilities at Bousfields include the preparation of planning rationale reports, draft zoning by-laws, planning opinion letters, community services and facilities studies, housing issues reports, and other associated reports and studies for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications. She also assists with the preparation of due diligence research as well as the coordination and submission of development applications.