Charlie Smith

Senior Planner


Charlie first joined Bousfields as a summer intern in 2017 and was hired as a Planner in 2019. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Guelph and a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Queen’s University. In the final semester of his Master’s degree, Charlie participated in an international exchange to Perth, Australia. He studied at the Australian Urban Design Research Centre (AUDRC) and focused on the conceptualization of a redevelopment master plan in the Perth CBD. Charlie has experience in both the construction management sector and the planning profession. During previous internships, he has worked for EllisDon, notably on Waterfront Toronto’s Port Lands Flood Protection Program.

Charlie is involved in multiple projects in the Toronto area and conducts site-specific policy research, development application submissions, and assists in the writing of planning rationale reports. He relies on his research and interpersonal skills to collaborate with a broad range of stakeholders to address planning concerns. Charlie is currently a student member of OPPI and CIP, working towards full membership. He is passionate about sustainable city building and how planning can provide dynamic solutions.