David began consulting as a Planner in 2019 and has experience on a wide range of planning projects and development throughout the Greater Toronto Area. He is involved in the coordination of various development applications and the preparation of planning rationales, community services and facilities studies and other supporting planning studies.
David has worked on a variety of planning projects including Secondary Plans, Block Plans, Draft Plans of Subdivision, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, and Due Diligences. Through his experience, David has obtained a strong understanding of planning policies and municipal processes and developed skills in project management and collaborative working practices.
David is a Graduate of Ryerson’s Urban and Regional Planning Program and joined Bousfields in August 2021. During his time at Ryerson, David focused on transportation planning and policy, private development feasibility and site planning. He has also worked in both public and private planning positions during his studies. David is a Registered Professional Planner and a full member of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute.