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Announcements Bousfields Team In the News

Exciting News! Bousfields Inc. proudly introduces our newest partners, Stephanie Kwast of our Planning team and Caroline Kim of our Urban Design team. Join us in celebrating their well-deserved promotion and continued contributions to our projects, master plans, and urban design studies. Together, we’re shaping vibrant spaces for a better tomorrow. Welcome aboard, Stephanie and […]

July 21, 2023

625 Church

Honouring the past to meet the needs of a modern community.

CG Tower

An iconic landmark designed to change a city.

DEI Statement

In our pursuit of building and advancing a more diverse, equitable and inclusive Bousfields, we endeavour to be honest and transparent about where we have been, where we are at, and where we hope to go. We will learn from our failures and build on our successes. The key to our successes will be the […]

November 8, 2023

Urban Design

We analyze and strategize. We are known for delivering complex projects on multidisciplinary teams. We are versatile, not just as designers but as storytellers weaving together various perspectives. Our clients rely on us and our long established track record in providing creative advice, analytical thinking on challenging files, delivering excellence consistently, and getting it right.  “What […]

November 10, 2023

1 Front

Planning for growth. Building on history.

Sheliza Rajan



Sheliza joined Bousfields as a Planner in Fall 2022. She holds a Masters of Science in Planning, with a specialization in Urban Planning and Development from the University of Toronto. She previously earned an undergraduate degree in Public Policy and Administration from Carleton University.

Prior to joining Bousfields, Sheliza worked across the industry for various organizations including the Eglinton Way BIA, Baird Sampson Neuert Architects, TAS Impact and The Planning Partnership. Through these experiences, Sheliza has developed expertise with land use planning and creating a thoughtful and inclusive public realm through collaboration with partners and public agencies. She has worked on a mix of residential, commercial and institutional projects across the GTHA.

Announcements Bousfields Team In the News

Our Newest Partners!

21 July 2023

Exciting News!

Bousfields Inc. proudly introduces our newest partners, Stephanie Kwast of our Planning team and Caroline Kim of our Urban Design team.

Join us in celebrating their well-deserved promotion and continued contributions to our projects, master plans, and urban design studies. Together, we’re shaping vibrant spaces for a better tomorrow.

Welcome aboard, Stephanie and Caroline!

#BousfieldsInc #NewPartners #CommunityBuilding #UrbanDesign #PlanningTeam #Congratulations